Robotic Companion Pets are the newest addition to helping aid anxiety and loneliness, especially for dementia and Alzheimers sufferers, but there are many other benefits to owning one of these cute critters!

1. Eases Loneliness and Social Isolation
It's not news that in these unprecedented times of Covid-19, some of the at risk and elderly community are struggling due to a lack of contact with others for long periods of time. Of course, we wish we could be there to support and socialise with our loved ones, but when that's not possible, Robotic Pets can ease loneliness by being a comforting companion, which responds to touch and motion. Robotic cats can also purr giving a soothing and calming sound which reduces the feeling of being alone. An early pilot report in New York reported a huge decline of the feeling of isolation by 70% in older adults after one year.
2. Cognitive activity
Robotic Companion Pets have been proven to increase cognitive activity and is currently in use to help people with a number of conditions including dementia and Alzheimers, as well as autism in some children as the pets are stimulating as well as calming. They are a great alternative to real life therapy animals which require a lot of care, attention and money.
A 2016 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease found that Robotic Pets created a reduction for the use of psychoactive medications and pain medications for patients with dementia due to their stress and anxiety reducing benefits.
3. Easy to look after
Robotic Companion Pets aren't just beneficial for many reasons, they are also very easy to care for and maintain. All they need is batteries and love. Just think, a world without litter trays, picking up mess, training or thinking about who will look after them when a holiday is needed!
4. Reduces stress and anxiety
Whilst the pets are known to be beneficial to people with dementia and Alzheimers, the main overriding benefit is that they provide a reduction of stress, anxiety and depression the same way real pets do by triggering a happy response. This can increase peoples wellbeing in the long run.
The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease found in their studies that Robotic Pets helped to decrease anxiety and stress within the group tested.
5. All pets allowed
If you live in a pet-free household or care home due to restrictions, or suffer from pet allergies, Robotic Pets are the next best thing! Made of soft faux fur they are perfect for allergy sufferers, and are allowed anywhere!
6. Low Cost - High Fun!
These furry critters aren't just a lot of fun, they are also incredibly cheap to maintain and only require new batteries when needed. They aren't a full-time, long-term commitment for 15 years, and more importantly than this, there are no shocking and expensive vet bills!

7: Great for children
Even though Robotic Companion Pets were created for people with dementia and Alzheimers, the pets have proven to be hugely popular for children, including children with autism. They are interactive, calming,

8. They are super cute!
Just look at that little face!
Written by RoboPets 2020
Can robo cats be repaired? Purchased 16 month's ago and only 10% working.Has new batteries. 80 year old wife is devastated.
I purchased a robotic cat for my mum whom has dementia from RoboPets recommended to me by a NHS social worker. The day after I purchased it, the parcel arrived the next morning. I couldn’t believe how quick it arrived and the gift card that was written inside by Deborah Spratly was lovely and warm with love.
When my mum opened the box she was pleasantly surprised and amazed by the realistic feel and motion The cat presented.
Having to care for a family member with dementia is tough in many ways, however the delight that her companion pet gave her was so rewarding that it brought tears to my eyes to see her smile.
I can’t thank Deborah Spratley…